Yesterday I was shaving and I got to the point where I had to trim my beard and do the outline of the goatee. Well the trimmer slipped and I took out a HUGE chunk of hair from my beard and I could not hide it. So I had no choice but to shave it all off!
AAGH!!!! |
Some guys can pull off the clean shaven look... while some of us just can't.
Me clean shaven |
I was using the goatee to HIDE the double chin!! |
Worst part is, I can tell it looks bad! People at work do a double-take look, when shopping people do a double-take look. My wife, even during a heated discussion, will just pause, look at me and laugh. And my hair growth is slow, so it will take at least 2 to 3 weeks till my beard is long enough so I can have my goatee the way I like it. Honestly, I cannot even look at myself in the mirror without laughing!
Also, being an overweight guy with long hair and man-boobs.... you know where I am going with this!
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