Wednesday 14 August 2013

Gonna Get Certified!!!!!

Man-o-man do I feel great!

With DDP Yoga, my wife being my health coach AND my new mind-set, thanks to everyone at the Kyle Cease Event, I feel UNSTOPPABLE!!!!

I got the support from and from the kylego group on Facebook. 

I put in my application to get DDP Yoga certified this past Sunday night and I feel so good about my decision! 

Monday I was feeling so tired and drained by the time I got home from work.  I was planning to skip my workout.  It was also my second day on my raw foods detox liquid day (Green smoothies and green juices only!).  I sat down to do my meditation and planned after that I would go to bed.


During my meditation, it struck me.  I just signed up the night before to get certified and now I am slacking off already?

This question came to me: Do you want to be certified on July 13 2014? 

With my eyes closed, I smiled and said yes! I got up, washed my face and hit my yoga mat!  What ended up happening was, THE BEST DAMN WORKOUT I EVER HAD! I was drenched in sweat!
My heart-rate was in the zone!  And I felt so alive and great! 

As soon as I was done, I took these pics:

As you can see, my vest was soaked!  AND my heart-rate was JACKED! The 137 is my current heart-rate when I took the pic and the A-139 is my average heart-rate during the workout! 

After these pics, I remembered what inspired me to get my ass off the couch, so I wrote it down and taped it up, opposite the couch so I can see it everyday, every time I sit down:

Tonight I had another great workout and ready to MOVE FORWARD!!!!

My wife took pics of me while I did the workout, cause I think she never seen me sweat so much!  I would share them here, but I can't, I was overheating so I lost the shorts and continued in my undies!!! Tee-hee!!!!